
Cosmo Ferrites Ltd

As we are aware, long-term investors always searching for early signs of emerging trends and try to make benefit out of it. Since our government already declared their aim to make India as a manufacturing hub and taking lot of efforts in this direction.  We all know, without developing Electronic Manufacturing, it is not easy to convert India as a manufacturing hub to the world and recent issues related with semi-conductor shortage underlining this fact. With this background let us look into a company that may benefit immensely from India’s efforts to become an electronic manufacturing hub and increasing Electric Vehicle (EV) penetration. Whatever be the battery pack, ‘Ferrites’ are unavoidable part of an EV and more than that for the electronics industry. Ferrite can be defined as “ Any of a class of metal oxides which show ferrimagnetism; used in transformers, inductors, antennas, recording heads, microwave devices, motors, chargers ,loudspeakers (copied from publicly available sourc